Upper Preschool

Upper Preschool is the final step in the children’s’ learning journey helping to prepare them for life at school the following year.

All the information that they have learned in their previous groups will be revisited and used as a basis for the learning journey over the year. They will discover that numbers can be both a symbol and a quantity and that letters have a sound and can appear both at the beginning, ends and in the middle of words. Shapes can be both 2D and 3D and have long difficult names which are fun to say. Science is always a very popular lesson and can be very exciting and sometimes very messy!

The topics will become wider and more varied throughout the course of the year. There will be opportunities to go swimming and join our kings’ club neighbours for born to move, gymnastics and active sessions. Within their school week, they will have 2 sessions of French with our dedicated French teacher and the enjoyment of numerous topic related outings.

We enjoy numerous trips out on the Monkey Puzzle Bus to help consolidate our learning on local topics and to help create a rich learning environment with a difference. The children have in the past been to the local cider mill to learn about the process of creating apple juice, local museums and have even enjoyed rib rides across the Little Russell. We take advantage of the beautiful Guernsey outdoors and take the children on outdoor adventures to learn key skills within the natural environment. Children will take part in all activities from den making, to pooh sticks, to learning how to build a shelter, helping to instil a love of the outdoors and adventure.

During this year we complete Pre School assessment forms which we will pass onto their new school. We also liaise with the future schools allowing for organised visits to Nursery for the children to meet in their own space familiarising themselves with each other ensuring that the big move into mainstream school flows easily making it more exciting.

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